Annual report on human rights violations is launched


2019 has set in motion events that would later change societal relations, ways of organizing work, and provide a reasonable basis for restricting essential human rights such as freedom of movement and assembly. The coronavirus infection detected in China spread around the world in 2020, with various countries enacting restrictions on the normal course of life through legislative changes. At the beginning of the spring of 2020, a state of emergency was declared in Armenia to prevent the development of the epidemic․

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Adhering to the tradition, Pink published the annual report on human rights violations, which was prepared on the analysis of documented cases during 2020.

The substantive part of the report presents the violations based on SOGI combined with discrimination in 2020. It includes the obligations of the state to prevent these violations, to protect the victims, as well as the response of law enforcement agencies and the attitude towards LGBT people. Violations of the rights of LGBT people to be free from torture, inhuman or degrading treatment, privacy, family life, honor and reputation, education, employment, and violations of other rights were reported. The state, on the one hand, failed to provide a non-discriminatory environment for the realization of the rights of LGBT people, on the other hand, failed to restore the violated rights of LGBT people through proper investigation. LGBT people were mocked and humiliated by the law enforcement officers, moreover, there have been cases of law enforcement revealing information about same-sex relationships and other details on their personal life.

The rest of the content of the report concerns hate speech. It includes an analysis of hate speech in the direction of regulation of state policy, legislative changes, regulation of hate speech expressed by state authorities and other public figures.

The report is summed up with conclusions on the events that have taken place, with recommendations to state institutions, the media, and international organizations.