National Day to Fight for LGBT+ Rights is celebrated for the second time in Armenia


Local and international human rights organizations and institutions have repeatedly stated that LGBT+ people are the most discriminated group in Armenian society. Numerous hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity and other violations are reported each year. Pink has conducted extensive research on this, and every year a report on human rights violations of LGBT+ people is published.

Despite the widespread nature of harassment, LGBT+ people are reluctant to turn to law enforcement to restore their rights that have been violated.

One of the numerous cases of violence and discrimination was the events that took place on August 3rd, 2018, in the Shurnukh village of the Syunik region.

On that day in Shurnukh, 9 young people, including LGBT+ activists, were violently attacked by more than 20 people based on their actual or alleged sexual orientation and gender identity.

Valuing and building upon the decades-long struggle for the equality of LGBT+ people, August 3rd, 2020, was first declared as the National Day to Fight LGBT+ Rights in Armenia.

We call on all LGBT+ individuals, their friends, parents, community allies, LGBT Diaspora, local human rights organizations to join this fight and to not back down from the obstacles that arise.